Upskilling Teachers;
RAISING Student Proficiency

ImpactEd, LLC

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Let’s make this easy – because choosing a college isn’t. Our team of college admissions experts is ready to lead you through the entire admissions process and help you navigate the complicated waters of figuring out what to do after high school and where to do it.

What we Do

At With Purpose, we will create an easy, stress-free, and customized plan to lead students and families through the college and career search process. We promise to do our best to help you find the right fit, increase your chances of getting into the college or career of your choice, and secure as much financial aid as possible with as little stress as possible.

Find the Right Fit

After an initial discovery phase and goal session, we work with students to identify their interests, strengths, and passions through a series of inventories. We then work with the students and families to identify non-negotiables when it comes to college selection. Finally, we overlay this information with college information, identity, and offerings to generate a list of 8-10 colleges that would potentially be a good fit.

Get Accepted

We work hand in hand with students on an individual basis to provide ongoing support with resumes, applications, essays and personal statements, interview skills, and other critical aspects of the college admissions process. Our support has shown to improve students’ admissions ranking and differentiate them over other students (their competition) in a way that increases the chances of getting accepted into the colleges they want.

Secure Financial Aid

Our team will create a customized plan for each student to secure as much financial aid as possible. The world of college financial aid, scholarships, and grants is broad, complex and can be daunting. Even those that are financially savvy can leave a lot of money on the table. We will teach families how to negotiate for more money, how to secure all possible funding and provide expert counsel when it comes to loans and grants. We will simplify this process so that it is easy to understand.

Remove the Stress

Choosing what to do after high school and where to do it is one of the most significant decisions a person will make in his/her life. This decision will determine a student’s future more than any other decision they will make. The gravity of this decision innately creates a significant amount of stress and pressure for both the student, but also the family. It is our goal to lead the college search process for students and families and remove this stress – we got this.

Who We Serve

At With Purpose Consulting Group, LLC, we are prepared to serve every student no matter how early or late in the college search and selection process they are.


We are ready to serve any student, whether they aren’t sure if college is for them, or if they already know which college they want to attend. We are here to serve students from small towns in the Midwest to students on the coasts or even internationally. We are prepared to start working with the middle school students and creating a path of success for them to seniors in their last semester needing to wrap everything up. Whatever the case, whoever the individual, and however we can help, we are prepared and ready.


We are ready to work with any school or school district no matter the size or the need. We are prepared to serve a school as the preferred college counseling service vendor and work in conjunction with school administrators to provide professional college counseling or to serve as a supplement to what a school already has in place. Whatever the case, whoever the school, and however we can help, we are prepared and ready.

Private Entities

We are ready to support academies, foundations, non-profit groups, athletic clubs, charter schools, homeschool groups, academic coalitions, or any other private entity that has a vested interest in making sure their students are equipped, well-informed, and educated with the college search process. We will customize our services to meet the needs of your organization and provide professional college counseling to your students individually or as a group.

Our Services

Find the right fit; secure your future

Goal setting session

College application assistance

FAFSA completion assistance

Scholarship negotiation training

Financial Aid Training And Guidance

With Purpose Consulting Group, LLC

With Purpose Consulting Group, LLC was founded by Merritt Nelson on October 4, 2021. After over 25 years of successful careers in both K-12 education and Higher Education, Merritt launched ‘With Purpose’ to inspire students to aggressively pursue their future aspirations with purpose by providing strategic support and guidance throughout their college and career search process.

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Start Your Journey Now

Let’s get started. Time is of the essence. The college search and selection process is competitive and those who start early always have an advantage. Click the Schedule Your Consultation button and LET’S GO!!!!

Schedule a Risk-free Consultation

Each potential client will have an opportunity to participate in a complimentary 30 minute consultation session before agreeing to any services. This risk-free session will include an overview of services offered, a value proposition conversation, guaranteed deliverables, and an opportunity to ask questions. To get started, click the ‘Schedule Your Free Consultation” today!

Choose Package

Each client will have the opportunity to choose the services they want that are unique to their situation and customized to their needs. We’ll listen to you and do our best to understand what you want. We’ll present everything from the comprehensive concierge package to the general application package and subsequently make a recommendation based upon your situation. You just tell us what you want and we’ll make it happen.

Get Accepted; Get Money

It is our goal to get you accepted into the colleges you want and secure as much financial aid as possible. We know the tips and tricks of the college’s admissions and financial aid process and will leverage our expertise, and the time we spent on the admissions side working for the colleges, to work for you and to serve as your personal advocate and concierge to maximize your opportunities.

Latest Blog

December 15, 2021 in Uncategorized

Finding the right college fit

Over 12,000 high school seniors (fall ‘21) were surveyed and asked what their biggest concern is about the college search process. Affordability was the biggest concern, while making the wrong…
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Blog Post

December 15, 2021

Finding the right college fit

Over 12,000 high school seniors (fall ‘21) were surveyed and asked what their biggest concern is about the college search process. Affordability was the biggest concern, while making the wrong…

Finding the right college fit

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Over 12,000 high school seniors (fall ‘21) were surveyed and asked what their biggest concern is about the college search process. Affordability was the biggest concern, while making the wrong…

What specific value is provided by College Counseling 360?

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Finding the right college fit The first part of our value is helping students find the right fit for college. We first start by learning about the student and his/her…

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But I can do this on my own.

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What is it? Deciding what to do after high school and where to do it are some of the most significant decisions people will make in their life. College counseling…

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